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PO Box 505 Hurstville BC NSW 1481
Hurstville 2220
Tel 0412 477 526
Fax (02) 9585 2144

Supervised Training

Knowledge and skill level are commong barriers when planning to intitate an exercise program. At Summit Health & Fitness we have a team of Accredited Exercise Physiologists that are trained to understand your physical abilities and prescribe a suitable exercise program.

Supervised training is designed to demostrate, observe and correct technique with any movements to avoid injury and gain maximum results from your time with us. Our aim is to build your confidence, achieve your goals and ensure that you move towards independent management of your health and well-being.

Our Accredited Exercie Physiologists will:

  • Observe and correct exercise for better results.
  • Keep you motivated & accountable
  • Improve your technical skills
  • Offer simple nutritional advice
  • Ensure every workout counts
  • Introduce new equipment and teach you new exercises
  • Provide workout summaries

Summit Health & Fitness takes pride in treating every client as an individual. We understand that different training methods suit different people.

To make an enquiry, please email mrusso@summitfitness.com.au or call 0412 477 526

Training Facility

Summit Health & Fitness

27 Pitt Street

Mortdale NSW 2223
