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PO Box 505 Hurstville BC NSW 1481
Hurstville 2220
Tel 0412 477 526
Fax (02) 9585 2144

Beat It

Diabetes NSW & ACT developed this program to support people living with, and at risk of diabetes, to become more active in their lifestyles, and to improve their overall health and diabetes management. The Beat It program aims to provide people with, or at risk of diabetes, with a safe, cost effective, community-based physical activity and lifestyle program.

Summit Health & Fitness is funded by Diabetes NSW & ACT to facilitate programs within the community. These programs are delivered to people living with diabetes that are registered with National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS).

Beat It Overview

  • Increase physical activity levels.
  • Reduce risk factors for developing diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases.
  • Improve diabetes management and therefore reduce risk factors for developing complications associated with diabetes, heart disease and other co-morbidities.
  • Improve healthy eating habits.
  • Improve cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal strength, balance, coordination and endurance.
  • Improve quality of life and functional capacity.
  • Promote and support long term behaviour change.
  • Increase levels of social support and connectedness.

What’s Involved

Gym sessions are an hour in duration and supervised by qualified Exercise Professionals. Participants are guided through a series of resistance exercises taking into consideration any medical conditions or limitations. We conduct a number of assessments and track your progress over the course of the program, which include:

  • Health: Weight, Waist & Blood Pressure, HbA1c
  • Fitness: 6 Minute Walk Assessment
  • Strength: Arms, Legs, Balance

In addition to anthropometric measures, the program promotes a person centred approach that improves the sustainbility for the participant and ensures that they are able to continue with their exercise at the completion of the program.


Summit Health & Fitness
27 Pitt Street, Mortdale NSW 2223


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Beat It Trainer

Michael Russo

M: 0412 477 526
